Near Year End Musings

2020 is nearing its end, and what a year it has been! Are you ready to say goodbye to it? Do you hate 2020 or do you love it? What had 2020 brought you so far? What does the year 2020 means to you?

We can’t deny that 2020 is a roller coaster of emotions and happenings. One moment your doing good, then something unexpected happens. It feels like we can’t take a break or, worse, that the earth is ending. But, every day that we wake up, we realize that life must go on.

As the year ends, here are some life realizations I made during this pandemic. Here’s my top three, dear reader.

First, I learned that feelings are normal. I never thought I had this wide range of emotions but 2020 sure did bring them all out. And, sometimes, all at once! I learned that it is important to acknowledge what we are feeling. It is important to feel things rather than dismiss them. It is okay to be sad and angry. It is okay to be scared and anxious. It is okay to be happy too. All emotions are valid. However, we must remember that our actions that were caused by our emotions have consequences. So, still, be careful of how you react based on what you are feeling. I learned that you must also extend the same patience you give to others to yourself. You are patient with them when they are not feeling okay, right? Why can’t you do that for yourself too? You should start doing that now.

I know that I am speaking in a position of privilege when I say that I learned to appreciate the small things in life. I know that. If its anything, that fact makes me more grateful for everything that I have during this pandemic. Not everyone has these things and can enjoy them. However, we must also learn to love and enjoy these small things. I am so thankful for all that I have during this time. Sure, there are days that I do wish for more but it doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate what I have now. I am grateful that I and my family are all doing good and healthy. I am thankful for old friends and new ones. I love and find comfort in the food that I have here. I am happy with my series and books. I am grateful that I have still a job. I am happy every time I get to buy things, even just online. I am thankful for the sunny days and rainy days too. I am grateful every time I get to catch up with people that I like. I am grateful that I have more than enough. And I am grateful that I get to share and help one or two during these trying times.

Lastly, I realized that dreams are important. We might have to put on hold so many things this year but it is important to continue to dream. Maybe, this the year that you need to sit down and write down your dreams again, old ones or new ones. 2020 is shouting at you to dream and dream again! This year is challenging you to create new plans. It’s daring you to think of something new. Maybe, it’s showing you that the old doesn’t work anymore. Can you dream again? The days may seem bleak and they are so uninspiring but you should get up and dream again. Warning though, the world is harsh to dreamers. But it’s the dreamers who change the world. Train your mind to dream again. It might be hard at first but, eventually, you’ll get that hang of it.

2020 is not the year we imagined it to be. Sure, it wasn’t our year but who said the next ones are not ours too? So many things are unsure but let’s face the days ahead with a brave face and courageous hearts. We might be scared of the future but we won’t back down. Promise yourself that you will always choose to continue. Promise the world that you will be extra kind. Promise the universe that you will always have faith. Let’s get ready to say goodbye to 2020 and start anew, dear reader.